Bandsintown for Artists
Bandsintown for Artists
Email Campaigns
Purple Hummingbird
Apr 29, 2022

Unfortunately I do not see any concrete benefit in using your email campaign tool. I used it twice to compare with other promotional tools we use and the feedback I reeived from my digital marketing team is 'Most young people will likely open a text than an email unless its coming from the artist own newsletter". Also the use of this tool can be costly considering its low ROI. It would take several campaigns over the course of weeks, perhaps a month or two for the info to resonate and you then run the risk of having it viewed as spam (the tool should provide feedback on this) or being blocked. Perhaps Bandsintown should reevaluate this feature. As a member of A2IM, RIAA, MusicBIZ, etc. I would not recommend this feature to my colleagues

Rachel at Bandsintown
May 10, 2022

Hi there, thank you so much for your feedback! Could you please send me a direct email to rrubin@bandsintown.com with the email address associated with your Bandsintown for Artists account? I'd love to see if we can get you set up with our new Email Builder (in beta). It's currently available to our Early Access users but you may qualify. This is a totally free tool you can use to reach fans and perhaps test some new campaigns without the cost. Otherwise, I'd love to put you in touch with one of our account managers to see what we can do to improve your campaign performance. Looking forward to chatting further!